A CUSTOMER WITH W2 SKIN TONE: "So I went with a friend to test your theory that a mauve colored top could mesh with my W2 skintone [First Edition color]. Since my skin is light, I went with a light to medium mauve. Once on, the shirt put a definite gray cast to my face which in my opinion wasn't flattering. My friend's comment was, "It's alright, you could wear it." I agree. It's just "alright", but who's looking for that when they buy their clothes? To contrast this I tried on a light warm yellow-green top. We both agreed it was a superior choice that left a nice peachy glow to my skin. So here are my thoughts. I am not sold on your system yet. Yes, I do not own it [the mauve top] and I wasn't using an exact match from your palette, but I do understand the concepts of light/dark, cool/warm, and clear/muted so I feel that I couldn't have been too far off...
MBC: Hello Amy. I'm glad to hear from you. Your concerns are not surprising. Let's see if I can help you with them. First of all, it's very interesting to me that you have put a considerable amount of effort into experimenting with your palette of colors. Clearly, color is important to you.The first thing that comes to mind is the possibility that your skin tone match may not be correct. Frankly, I don't think that is a likely problem. You are an observant, thoughtful person. It's my guess that you made a good choice.
The next consideration is to look at whether or not you were considering at least three of your palette colors together when judging color compatibility/harmony. By this I mean skin color, perhaps your hair color, and the color of the mauve top. The MyBestColors.com color analysis method requires at least three colors working together to establish a harmony. More colors than that will only add to the beauty of the mix.
Third, if your hair, scarf, cosmetics or another item added a third color from your palette to the mix, then the mauve--if it was a very close match--was a good color for you. You may not like the way the color looked on you, or you may not have been looking for the mood that particular color helped to set, but technically, it was a harmonious color on you.
Here's my suggestion: If you basically like the colors the 4 or 12 palette seasonal color analysis method suggests for you, use it to guide you in discovering your very best matches. For example, if a "warm yellow-green" is in the seasonal color palette, look for the closest match to that "warm yellow-green" in your MyBestColors palette.
MyBestColors will give you the precisely correct version for you. If you read the fine print about seasonal analysis, Carol Jackson explains that the suggested colors in her method are approximate, not exact. The MyBestColors.com colors are exactly correct. Be careful about loosely selecting a color that falls somewhere between "light to medium." This will cause you to loose control of color harmony. Your match must be very close. I hope this helps you, Amy...