Wednesday, August 31, 2011

64. Rainbow Colors--Comparison Between Two Palettes [First Edition]

Here, we have an interesting comparison between a sampling of Cool 1, and Warm 8 palette colors.  Both sets contain representative colors from every hue ("color") of the rainbow.  They differ, primarily, in the amount of contrast available within the palettes.  There is more contrast (difference) between the colors in the Warm 8 palette than there is within the Cool 1 palette.  By contrast, I mean there's a greater range available between the lightness and darkness of colors (value), and the intensity and dullness of colors (chroma). Darker skinned people can wear much more contrast than can fair skinned people.

 However, if a fair-skinned person has very dark hair, eyes or eyebrows, then their natural coloring allows for additional contrast.  To provide for this, the lightest palettes include some strong colors that are marked with an asterisk. These are to be added into the palettes when more contrast is allowed and desired.

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