Saturday, January 8, 2011

21. Bernice Kentner, "Color Me a Season"

Bernice Kentner had a background as a licenced cosmetologist. In the early 1970s she began lecturing on color analysis, and several years later she published a book called Color Me a Season, which proved to be quite popular.

She taught that people can decorate their body in such a way as to please the eye, just as they can with interior decorating.  Her idea was that first, an individual must identify their skin tone, then they can find a category of colors that work well on their bodies.

Kentner insisted that skin color was the key to determining the base color that all the others must rest on, not hair or eye color.  She believed that skin color alone would determine whether one was a Summer, a Winter, a Spring, or an Autumn. This can cause confusion, because the color of the hair may be the first thing that strikes the observer's eye (particularly if the hair color is dramatic).  Okay, so skin tone is the determinant for one’s primary palette of colors.  Then, if the hair color itself dictates a different season, this would become the secondary palette of colors.

She viewed the color of the hair and eyes as serving to enhance the appeal of certain color choices for a person’s wardrobe and makeup, and to rule out some other choices, but all such choices must be made from within the palette that is compatible with the shade of the skin. Got that?  It’s tricky, isn’t it.

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